CRANIUM by far is the greatest game in the world.
here's a little picture for it's tribute:
I've also learned that you can make CUSTOM cards.... this will be sooo much fun!
Msg me if you want in on this party.. of cranium proportions.
Hi everyone in the netherlands of the world.
It's the shortest day of the year b/c of the winter equinox... or something like that...
what's been happening so far with me since last post.
EXAMS, then hard-core working and going to shows/parties.
here's whatI got for the staff gift exchange a week ago.
fun night.. I guess.
Been shopping at ungodly hours.. which means early AM... about 9/10am becuase it's the most efficient times to go and shop. Less crowds and better chance of no lines.
Here;s my story of the best place I love to go in Eaton's: Indigo...
I went into the store at about 10:30am on Tuesday, and I find the huge line... but since there was a lot of cashiers/ringers working the line went really fast, by the time I arrived back into the line.. it was relatively short. The point of this story was I was shocked to find that there was no one in other stores.. they were just all in Indigo.
Shopping is evil.
Anyway, for thos who check this blog, which I think is very few.... come out and celebrate my bday at the FOX on Friday night (DEC 22) for my birthday on the 23rd. Christmas Eve's eve.
All good. I'm also sooo stoked cuase ANNA is back. Oh I can't wait until I see her again. PICTURE-glore.
I haven't posted in a while... blah blah blah.
LAst weekend was fun. Did CPR all weekend and made $$ doing it.... esp. like the part where I wasn't at the pool. w00t
Last night, we went to see the musical CHICAGO (feat. Kevin Richardson aka BACKSTREET BOYS fame) at the Princess of Wale theatre.
The whole event was super fun! Wouldn't say I'd def. see it again, but it was well worth the price and the seat were amazing. ROW B of the Orchestra (18-21 near aisle). we were probably 8 row back from the stage. AMAZING.
Small ensemble, but boy were they wearing tight tights. In the end, were all razzle dazzled and using our spirit fingers. I'd give it a 4/5 stars.
This weekend, going to go and check out Tokyo Police Club at the Horsesohe on SAT night.
then Sunday is goign to be full of work, essays and stuff of that sort (w00t school).