Monday, June 30, 2008

S:1k, B:101k, R: 24k :eurotrash T.T

end of story

First time that Canadaian Armed Forces were in the parade. Torontoist got it right when they did a piece/ review of the parade. Personally didn't think the parade was ALL that wow, but the village was hopping! Plus I saw my Jay working his POLAR ICE stage... go dance music!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

in action........


back in action.
did a 12k beach runWent to the end of neville park loop. Nursewood Ave. or something of that effect.
Say the beach guards out in full effect, school children running around and bunches of people playing beach vball and strolling along the boardwalk.

I must say, it was great to get in the running again... man, just not allowed to do that again.

Nice weather, good breeze, excellent run.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I hate this week

weekly total: S:1k, B:83k, R: 5k :eurotrash T.T


can't beleive I didn't run. why?! shitty weather, feeling like crap, and just laziness.

Next week I promise to do better.

But I probably did rack up a lot of mileage walking around E.T. Seaton Park all night for Canadian Cancer Society.

Good cuase, good people, excellent job being frozen. good sleep afterwards.

update on the actual walk, and my virgin experience with the event at the next post.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

product placement

I'm a sucker for all things football.

Recently I've been watching the Euro 2008
and I caught the Adidas commericals featuring D. Beckham, S. Gerrard & co. in the Isles of Sicily videos. They are sooo inspirational kids v. Adults.

While on their site soaking up all that is football (American - Soccer) I came across their workout planner. I downloaded it and it's quite nifty, not sure how much information goes to Adidas but I'll be pimping it out for a while as I get back into Running.

Here's a couple of pictures to leave you with:

Church and King?

Then The Ting Tings rolled into town. that was a lot of T's. T^3

Sunday, June 15, 2008

father's day, thunderstorms, exhaustion

weekly total for the week of sun Jun 8-Sat June 14
S:3k, B:102k, R: 7k <--------- PASSED the 100k mark for commuting plus more.

REALLY REALLY tired/exhausted and not enough time to run this week. gah.

Did an amazing bike ride on saturday while the weather was great.

Sunday- work work work REM
Monday - work, baking, training, SATC
T- biking, working, Dinner
W- work, Sushi w/ Anna, Einstein's - exhaustion
R- photo shoot, varsity stadium, FRESH, hardwood viewings, Big Chill, Work, Hair of the Dog
F- Work, work, work, Taste of Little Itlay, Downpour, running through rain, drenched, change of clothing, drop dead gorgeous, wet
S- work work bike work work, exhaustion, exhaustion exhaustion.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

weekly total; S:4k, B: 81k, R: 32k

Friday - 5:45am run 6k through rosedale
7am- swim 1.6k
7:45 work

Adele in concert was amazing, I was a little toooo excited, and probably annoying.... -_-!
Check her out here
This morning: 20k run (Trails, Yonge/Eg [uptown], back)
Going to DCFC/Stars on the Island.
(Stars - tooo bright for their concert lights)
(Ben Gibbard -Sweaty after 2 songs. DEATH CAB for CUTIE!!!)

beautiful day, good weather, excellent friends (for both days)

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's like that.....

Weekly count: S:3k, B: 73k, R: 45k

This morning I went on a quick 6k run. home- Northern Dancer Blvd.
completed in 30min.
It was really hott outside, considering it was only 7:45am