Saturday, April 25, 2009

it started out well

As I grow up, I realized that I'm a very objective  person.

The other day -- I had to "breathe" my way out of not yelling madly at drivers.
It's a constant struggle.
Almost a sense of entitlement that we should be sharing the road, but then I realize that sometimes it just happens that drivers dont' want to share the road.

SAD? yes!!

Just need to be more vigilant about how drivers will react to my bell dinging, and "heads up" yells.

Stats: -/49/-. LAZY!

no promise of ever getting back on track... but it will happen.
(end of rest week. Bring on the studying!)

Countdown: 6 weeks (48 days)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

the end

Week 2 of 2 done!

stats: abysmal! -/119/-

Bike up st.clair to bathurst gave me a new light of tough! I'll conquer that hill next time.


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Sunday, April 12, 2009

week 1 of 2 for exams

First off, let me get my proud stats off.


Getting back on track with the running. 3 days of 10+ km, to various faves.
1) Beaches - broadwalk
2) south - distillery and back
3) RVR-Bayview extension- trails- st.clair!

AMAZING! broke the 100km mark for biking :D

3 /6 exams written, 3 more to go.

Probably the most brutal ones I have are this week.
Tax, Estate, Adv. Financial Planning!!!

Finally registered for the CFP - June 13th. Which means 2 months a 1 day. The countdown is on!

Here I come as a CFPc


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Apirl does shower

showers showers showers ruined friday/saturday morning runs!

stats: -/97/20 (it's on!)

SO CLOSE TO 100km on bike.. damn!

(MY single speed! Look at the new drop bars with light blue bar tape c/o bobs)

This was my ride on saturday

(DAvenport/Landsdowne to Home)


April Bike Project

FRAME - 80% Sanded! This took about 2 hours to get done

GOLD RIMS - great purchase
Quality headbadge!

Another update next week!

(2 weeks left, 3 exams/week! I can smash this!)