oops.. forgot about my postings...
New plans + studying= no time
Too much computer at works makes me not want to post when I'm home.
Things to do in Decemeber:
1) Distillery @ night
2) Modern /Contemporary Museum visit
3) Plan HG7
4) Start running again - new goal will be revealed on Jan 01/10.
5) Reformat this laptop.
6) Better wireless coverage
7) upload and format all the videotapes
8) Holiday shopping
9) Brunch adventures w/ E, SS,
10) Pump up the smiles!
11) Start with EC - Swimming bootcamp.
12) Try being Vegan for a couple of days
13) Clean out the binders
14) organize room and start to file appropriately
15) Create new 2010 goals. (1, 3, 5, 10 year goals)
16) Figure out travel plans, and overall design living space.
Here's a recent picture I took:
Matthew you make the best Cheesecake around! seriously! Thankgiving goodness...