Saturday, February 3, 2007

sickness is a good thing

since Thurs I've been sick.
scratch that.......... since WEd, I opted out of AM run... well couldn't run cuase I didn't bring shoes + situation happened.

Had an afternoon nap which helped. 'rents came home, and I was feeling kinda iicky.

thurs rolls around and I'm struggling to not cough my head off in class/blow my nose/wipe my running nose too excessively.

anyway case in point, haven't trained since TUES.
goign to take this as an off week so I can re-coup.

hopefully I will be back in action for MOnday.

as such: Jan 28 - Feb 3 Results:
Swim: 6.3k
Run: 12k
(monday's run was really good, I felt it on tues.)

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