Last Monday, I went to go see the Movie Sharkwater. Not only did it open my eyes to the black market of shark finning on the pacific coast of Latin America, and South America, but it also made me mad at humans. WHY are WE the top of the food chain, and how come we decide whether or not we should just wipe out other speices.......are we the most powerful beings?! we're such human snobs.
Rob Stewart, the man who made the documentary, gave beautiful cinematography and it made me want to give up my time to volunteer aboard the vessel: Sea Shepherd.
Not only was the scenes depressing, it made me realize that I don't want to see the extinction of such a bio-diverse animal. Even though there are many myths surrounding Sharks, they really do no harm to Humans considering that they only kill about 6 a year, compared to road side deaths, or even starvation........ This brings me to the point of how we can help these animals.
1) Giving your time to volunteer for such a great organization, and spread the message that conservation of even "deadly" animals is necessary to keep the environment in tact.
2) Donating $$ will help to fuel these operations
3) Giving your government grief over long line fishing........... (I don't want to ruin the movie, but a WORLD-WIDE BAN, should be mandatory! They only take the animals that they need and waste the rest of the fishes, turtles and other beautiful creatures of the sea)
PLEASE help! visit:
ON to other news: 6 weeks left till OTTAWA RACe WEEKEND: May 26-27 (my bro's birthday, Jarvis 200th, and the best time of my life)
- Planning a trip out to HI, to visit my TWIN. hopefully that will be solidifed by April's end.
- City or not?! here I come..... graduation, exams, stress, ear problems....
(no training, only water jogging..........hahahhhahahah good times.)
I bet no one actually reads this blog, but I still heart it, b/c of the shoes.
(finally watched Russel Peters , Outsourced............ not as funny as I thought it'd be, and he's retiring the CHILD SERVICES joke........... "Someone's goign to get a hurtin' "
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