Saturday, November 3, 2007

End of one, beginning fresh (NOV)

This week was much more laxed in terms of insane outings.

Last Saturday had an amazing time meeting up with Geeths, Shobes and V-attack for some Indian in Little India!! GReat food, great company , only thing missing with Liz and Mikeness.

This week stared with a fizzle... and ended off strong.
Stats: [S:8k, B: 82k, R: 28k]
Sunday: just plain tired, and there was drama at work.

Monday: did a 4k ~ 22min... tres tres lazy- really didn't have time as I was covering/switching with Stonk.

Tues: ultimate day!
7k run around the track =35 laps in about 42 minutes plus 3 laps of walkage
110 sit-ups (sets of 15 varying positions... thehehe)

AFternoon did a 3.5k SWIM.. very proud of myself, as it was LONG COURSE. Lasted just over an hour.

WED: 8k run in the AM for 42 min HR=200/min RIGHT after the run. FELT amazing, as I got my second wind by lap 20.
100+ ABs.
3x15 squats (free standing)

Thurs, Fri: OFF

SAT: amazing on the treadmill.
Completed 4.5miles = 7.4k in about 45 minutes using the HILL selection
followed by some full-body weight sessions, and 100 Situps.

GReat week overall. Especially with this new committment to a run in MARCH.

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