As many know, I' ve been quite a big fan of the hot docs festivals since I found out in highschool... it's been an amazing ride.
This year, their enjoying the 15th anniversary of the festivals inception. There are many adjectives I could use to describe the awesomeness that embodies the 10days of great movies but I'll just touch upon what was view this afternoon.
First up: shout out to paper for joining me for the first movie! I heart! (ps: you're probably the only reader)
Emoticons, but first up: Kids + Money.
Fast paced, colourful, candid, great comments about kids in LA speaking opening about fashion, trends, social cliques and money. Money, money, money and where they want to spend it. It was a great short film. gold stars all-around.
Emoticons= :-(
Badly titled, mis-leading, just painful to view. Too personable, and not enough story. too much dialogue not enough drama. I apologize... but to make up for it, awesome food @ fresh.. I think so
Then to top off my day of movies, I went solo to see the Last Continent.
Taken from hot docs site:
For 430 days, a crew of scientists, sailors and filmmakers live on a schooner in the Antarctic to study the impact of global warming in this gloriously cinematic adventure, full of awe, joy and life-threatening danger. Gale-force winds threaten to dash the crew on the rocks in one of the most nail-biting scenes ever seen in a non-fiction film. Abnormally warm temperatures prevent the formation of the deep pack ice needed to stabilize the schooner and provide a birthing ground for seals. When desperately needed winter arrives at last, the camera goes overland to scenes of unbearable beauty and beneath the ice to a magical undersea world of never-before-photographed species. A marine biologist by training, Jean Lemire's acclaimed 2006 feature The White Planet focused on the Artic. The massive devastation from climate change he shows at this, the other polar extreme, is a powerful reminder of the fragility of our world.
More information check this link.
Thoughts on the movie:
First off, the cinematography is amazing. Editing was fabulous.
Strong messages of climate changes and it's effect on the enitre ecosystem resound throughout the entire film. The rare moments of human nature shine through when the ice freezes over to allow a sensible game of hockey to be played out. Phew, words really can't explain the beauty of this movie. GREAT on all levels. Definitely up for best movie award in my eyes.
If you get a chance to watch this you should. Sunday 12:45 @ bloor.
or when it's released in theatres later this year.
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