Weekly total:
S:3k, B: 82k, R: 23k
Saturday morning run. 10k. Good, ankle doing okay. knee holding its' own.
verdict: a lil chilly! but no shorts tan this time around.
Breaky- after a night of indian and narnia =great combo.
My transit to the place resulted in several on-road vehicles cutting me off, or just plain HORRIBLE signalling.
FREE TIMES= FAB 4. hhhmmm, wonder who I'd be if we were the cast of Sex and the City. (random?! much!)
on the way home, I was biking at my regular speed, and the daunting corner once again haunted me.
Parliement and Queen.
Its been a while since I crashed at this intersection, getting my tire got stuck in the streetcar track. But the ghost of karma, past, struck. They say that "things never happen twice" and so it didn't.
This time, a LARGE WHITE ESCALADE decided it was going to turn out of it's parking spot. Granted, I saw it signalled and was slightly slowing down, hoping that it'd turn into the appropriate lane. From what I recall, there were no cars, since I had just crossed the intersection as it was approaching yellow.
NO MOVEMENT, kinda turning, BRAKE. .... I slow-down, but BRAKE HARD since it was clearly going to turn into the moving lane. What resulted was myself, flying over the handle-bar and landing right onto the palms of my hands, and my knees taking the brunt of the fall. I literally flew over my handle-bars. Thankfully no cuts, but tons of bruises.
What made it sooo much better, was the fact that the car zoomed right off... thanks!
There were a couple of nice ppl getting into their parked car, who asked how I was doing.... I walked it off, and largely was checking the state of my bike and my hands.
THANKS! brakes ajarred, palms were stinging, I was slightly shaken, but was very apprehensive while riding over the river.
enjoy the rest of your long-weekend.