Saturday, July 26, 2008

bam bam, thank you rain!

First off: S:5k, B:110k, R: 33k miamichel=god + 10k bike to Jazz fest/ or walking.... not sure yet.

It's been quite the rainy week, with humidity at 50-80% resulting in early early morning runs. The rain was definitely much needed relief with the scrotching heat waves we've been getting this summer. Light rain is good; heavy downpour is acceptable in spurts, but not when you're caught in a giant rainstorm. Great!
On Tuesday as I was biking back to downtown from "across the river" I was caught in heavy downpour where you can't even see 5ft. in front of you. Enough complaining.


Saturday morning are my days for LSD runs (Long Slow Distance). Lately I've been stalling at 13/14k as I've been graced with more running partners V, S, and I've gotten into the routine of running/stretching/ breakkie. In my training programme I've actually fallen behind by a week, but I figure it's okay, I'll just be on more mileage and I'll rest up lots prior to my big day of the Waterfront marathon. 42.2k/ 26 miles. A personal Goal to accomplish the task has been my dream since I've starting regularly running for the sake of running and not running up and down a court or field. 5 years, multiple injuiries, times of lapses, lack of motivation, schooling priorities etc.... It's been a long time. I type as if I've completed the marathon... but it's slowly reaching the peak, and I know the next 4 weeks of training will put a toll on my mental physique/ strength and commitment to my training. I have faith!
Point taken, I did a great 19k run this morning :D.

(AC- Rosedale Valley Road- Bayview Trails - David Belfour Park - Mt. Pleasant - Moore Park - south to Brickworks - Bayview - Todmorden Hills - Pottery Road - Broadview - Bloor viaduct - running along Bloor - AC) 18k!!


a different cool way to look at our route.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

hot summer days

It's mid-July, and it's been quite the scorcher of a week with temperatures rising to to 30+ and with humidity in effect it's like 40+ with lack of wind.
I've learned that hydration is essential. Lately I've been keeping myself careful NOT to drink tooo toooo much water, as I know that's bad for your body as it flushes electrolytes.

To combat this situation, I've been avoiding the peak hours of sunlight 11-3pm. Instead I've been running at 6/7am, or 5/6pm. I'm not one for the night runs, as I feel they really do exhaust you until you're pooped and then the next day I feel quite sore. Whereas the morning runs, I'm able to walk it out and stretch the REST of the day off.

Lastly, I've been getting super TANned. I'm almost past Hawai'ian and inching closer to Indonesian/Thai.
Post results later in the week, but thought I'd do a update post.

I dislike INTERVALS.

Friday, July 11, 2008

running on time

This week has been an elevated success for my mental strength, determined soul and lastly my running legs. Not only able to keep to the schedule that I'm following, but got in some runs even though I knew my legs couldn't take it. It was definitely the PUSH I needed to increase my level of training.

As of Friday:
S:6k, B:94k, R: 27k

Mon: short Wed: Rosedale Valley Road, Thurs: Eglinton...
Tentative Saturday run ~ 13-15k.
That's what it should look like!

I've just been getting into this excellent running log site called RunningAHEAD. Not only does it allow me to create courses to run, but also gives me a database of other routes that users have online in Toronto. It even shows your pace time, and takes into account weather, road conditions, and intervals. With the courses, you are also able to see the elevations of your route.
I give it a panda claws paw of approval.

Excellent runs, got in an amazing swim. My swimming days are slowly ironning out.... Today I was able to spend alittle bit more time in the Summerville Pool.
1k WU, 4x (200 x 3 - Drills, Swim, Kick), 600m WD

I actually SWAM 4 km and was proud of my swim. Even my tan on my back was fine, very few lines. It might have been because I tanned on wednesday afternoon, and then applied quite liberaily sunscreen onto my back before departing my dwelling. I'm quite proud of myself. :D

end post. enough send, I'll give an update on my saturday run once it's completed.


Let's keep this up.

EDIT: saturday final tally: S:6k, B:108k, R: 42k W: think tourist feet.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

what a great week

end of long weekend, 2nd cousins once removed came in town. explored toronto.
kidnapped papes, and saw my twin fly off to the Island. First swim outdoors = tooo hawt.
LONG run finally! capped off with ETOBICOKE IKEA day.

S:6.6k, B:101k, R: 20k miamichel=god

barista brat is BACK!

heart hearts hearts!

T Jul 15th - FLOW,
Free screening @ Innis Town Hall 7:30pm.