Thursday, July 17, 2008

hot summer days

It's mid-July, and it's been quite the scorcher of a week with temperatures rising to to 30+ and with humidity in effect it's like 40+ with lack of wind.
I've learned that hydration is essential. Lately I've been keeping myself careful NOT to drink tooo toooo much water, as I know that's bad for your body as it flushes electrolytes.

To combat this situation, I've been avoiding the peak hours of sunlight 11-3pm. Instead I've been running at 6/7am, or 5/6pm. I'm not one for the night runs, as I feel they really do exhaust you until you're pooped and then the next day I feel quite sore. Whereas the morning runs, I'm able to walk it out and stretch the REST of the day off.

Lastly, I've been getting super TANned. I'm almost past Hawai'ian and inching closer to Indonesian/Thai.
Post results later in the week, but thought I'd do a update post.

I dislike INTERVALS.

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