This week: 90.4km ( +51.9km)
*NEW* Best run: MUDRUN (details below)
Year: 684.1km ( +299.6km)
Bike: 100km (Just commuting)
Accomplishments/ reflection:
This week marked the best "winter" weather we've had since the 60s. The temperature was a blistering 17 degrees on Wed and Thursday which resulted in some shorts wearing opportunities.
Seeing as the weather was SO great, I ended up running 23 km on both days. On Wed (commonly known as St.Paddy's day) I ended the night of reading with a nice run out to the end of the beaches --> Richmond/University. It was a great route, and ended with a tall americano at whorebux.
Thursday meant that there was going to be a long day stuck at work. 5 hours followed by a quick bike ride to another 4 hours meant I was pretty tired. During my break I decided to bike home and make an americano and bring it back. Good idea, as it rejunvinated me for the next 7 hours of awake time.
Impromtu mud run:
I started with a run up the to the trails (the long way), and running along bayview as I famously do. Bayview is a road that goes about 70km/h.... to hitch up to Mud Creek. You would think that I was all muddy by the first 10km, oh ... you stand corrected as it wasn't until the second trail (Leading from St.Clair/Heath). I finally found the second entrance to the trail and decided to run on my "regular" side as I felt more comfortable slugging away. Half way into the trail, I realizde that I was running upwards up the slant of the hill. Not such a great idea with leaves slightly covering the muddy patches I would soon discover. As I went higher it felt similar to running on quick sand. So i made fast feet and didn't get anything dirty. Returning to the trail meant climbing over a large branch/log. As I leaped off of the branch, my entire left FOOT SANK into the mud. (glug). epic FAIL. noticing that my right foot was still fine I kept going, adment that I would just still keep it clean. 5 steps later, same result, different shoe.
AFter that it meant that I was going to get the shoes dirty regardless of the trail. In hindsight, I should have avoided this trail until May, as the trail is still thawing away. Good to know. There still remained about 8km until I was home, so that resulted in some looks by pedestrains.
Lesson learned!
Happy days!
you are a monster!
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