Best run: seeing as 6/7 runs were in the beaches (Neville Park Loop)...
The Beaches makes me happy as I get to hear sounds of water and run along the broadwalk. Run past DDS, Elmer (where JD lives), and it's from my house so it's always great running to clear the head and just run.
Why do I run?
That is a great question, as it seems like I'm obessed with putting up big numbers, following a training regimen, and competing. Sometimes it's for the pure push of physical activity, sometimes it's just for pure enjoyment to clear my head, sometimes it's for a pre-determined goal.
This year the goal is 2010km accumulated in 2010. I'm slowing inching my way to this.... V suggested that I have a celebration 5km run on Dec 31st. or Whenever I reach that goal.... On Track after a long break of 1.5 months away from running. Not just physically but emotionally I've been unmotivated during that break, and I think it's good to sometimes just make a clean break. It was enough for me.
Then Summer rolled around, and I focused more on swimming and cycling. Focused on teaching and going towards my life goal, then with summer rolling towards an end I had an amazing trip to SoCal, SF, and Pan Pacs.This inspired me to get back into trail running and outdoor swimming while I still could enjoy the weather.
Motivation is key, but ask yourself why are you running?
Sometimes I don't feel like running if I know it's crowded, as it distracts me from focusing on form and running around others is not very fun. Morning runs mean people who actually wave back, as opposed to evening runs.. where 1/10 might wave. I enjoy people waving or nodding, bascially acknowledging that I exist. It's mostly a game that I play with myself; count the number of people that make eye-contact and wave, nod or say "HI". It's fun! My PR is 25. Mostly on the Western Beach fronts... over on the EAST it's about 15.
It is also more peaceful in the morning, minimal amounts of drivers that want to honk their horns or whistle at you... (flattering, but really... get over yourself). Yes I where shorts, and yes they are short, but doesn't mean you can holla at your guurl. FARR REAL!
honestly I run because I can, because I didn't find swimming challenging anymore, couldn't push and see different sceneries, and I love how the wind just goes right past you and cancels out other noises. I love trail running, and just smelling the outdoors makes me happy.
If it makes you happy, than do it!
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