Monday - went for a swim, did 2.6k. (no real push... should try and think of something more structured then my 1k WU, 5x200m (IM), then 3x150m (PSK), cool down.
(mood: felt good, want faster times though, concentrated more on the pull then kick)
copped out of the run in the PM... too tired, but went grocery shopping instead.....
(facebook took my entire PM..... damn you!)
Today: decided not to swim in the AM.... too tired.. instead attempted to "read".
went to MEC when it opened at 10am, and got nalgene for Andy and gloves for DK.
(did some much needed work.... and cooked lunch.. (instant noodles, which will now be X out of my diet, cuase it makes you soo flippin' thirsty afterwards....)
phone the rents in HK... doing great.
(then opened comp, fell asleep for 40 min.... woke up, hung the laundry..... then splet again, only to be awoken by my cell phone.)
I thought it was the morning and I was late for WORK... but instead it was vash to the rescue.... ( I was actually very dazed... I don't even remember the conversion that we had....)
attempted more school.
then went the GYM.
RUN: 4.5 miles ~ 7k, 496 calories burned, 45 min. Ran at 6.5 speed... and walked for the last 7min as my cooldown at abour 4.0-3.5 speed.
had a good stretch and did some abs.
(mood: pissed cuase at 17 min of my 35min run, my earphones died. sooo pissed, so I watched CNN in silenece... sadness all around. at 25min, didn't know if I could push through the last 10 min/ my quads were staring me down with their lactic acid build-up.
OVERALL: EXCELLENT RUN, I pushed the 4 mile barrier... w00t. hopefully I will mimic this tmr AM)
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