Monday, January 15, 2007

my new dedication

did I even spell that right?!

ok, it's my new plan to get back into decent physcial shape... yeah yeah yeah, I know I'm pretty fit, but I've been fitter when I was 20lbs. lighter. So it's not my goal to lose 20lbs. it's to actually drop time on my sprints.........

my goals are as follows:
-be healthy by eating more vegetables
-cut soda out of my diet (this one is going to be the hardest)
-minimize sugar and sugary stuff..... but splenda is ok!
-RUN a half marathon by JUNE
-RUN a marathon by 2008.
-Graduate this stupid school, and go into more school
-to find out what I really wanna do.

ok, so this blog is going to turn into my training blog, with tid-bits of awesome outings and concert going stuff....
here goes me new challenge...
LET I remind you that this is not a NY resolution.


Unknown said...

NY resolution!. i was just about to say... haha.
tpc april 4th?.
brand new may 17th?.

Unknown said...

thanh, by the way.