Wednesday, April 21, 2010

16: No go, 17: Volanco action

No RUNS. Still injuried. not fun.

Soon to fly out - .... Volcano.check out the travel blog!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

15: MAJOR set-back

On Easter Monday... had a great 15k run.

The next couple of days, my left ankle killed. It could be the shoes? It could be overtraining...
but I'm being cautious and didn't run T, W... then R, F came around and was super cold.

W - night I became violently ill... body overload? did 2.5k of swim instead, as ankle still killing.

There is a slight possibility that I will run at 6pm tonight (but don't hold your breathe)

Week: 15k (-20.5km)

Year: 854km (350.1km)

Something I picked up on the internet:

- you are a reflection of the average top 5 people whom you surrond yourself.
- like attracts like

Sunday, April 4, 2010

14: Easter Weekend

ACTUAL Spring weather. Upwards of 28 degrees over the long Easter weekend.

Week: 74.6km (+36.1km)(+6km of walking today)
Year: 838.6km (+370.6km)

LONG RUN: 23km - home, DV, Moore, Y/E, Yonge downhill, Rosedale.
Feeling: not that thirsty... exhausted running down Broadview/Langley.. but short bursts of walks helped very much to test my mental anguish.
(Very similar to the route below... but minus the Beaches loop)

Impression of "this week": CAN DO ATTITUDE! Ask yourself. are you being aware of your consciousness... your EGO, your outlook towards your goal. If not... ask yourself WHY? Food for thought.

This week: Mon - high Tea with S and K. Great ego trip head-to-head combat with biker on Queen. Need to let go, but he was sooo slow.
T: typical work, teach, work.
W: work, Brunch with JB @ Boom on College... decent brunch affair.
R: work, work, gift purchasing, work, BIKE ride to Anna.
(ooo fun convo with random bike messanger along Bloor during rush hour... Douvercourt-High Park... refreshing to see someone so dedicated to the bike riding)
Hangout at Annas, followed by MS easter egg/bday bash. This resulted in 3am sleeptime
F: super sleep in time - run, Coffee with JB and walk in beaches!
Sa: more of the same! and video editting.