Friday, September 17, 2010

1286km - Reeving up!

What's happened that last 10 days.

A Regeneration to actually hit the streets before the FALL weather is upon us.
Long weekend: Chill to the Max, Burlington RIbFest!
10km average runs.

Weekend in QC: fun times with twinA, W, and Lank! This included QC espresso edition. Hill walking through Old Quebec, and Water fall good times. Not only that but... also a great time going shopping at Simons.

Flew back with Porter Airline. Amazing coming into Island Airport! Super convient. That meant a start of a week of Running running.

Got home around 2:30pm, rested, unpacked and hit the streets!
since then I've done 12km, 10km, 12kmx4 it's looking great.

Tally so far: 1286km
Left: 724km
Days left: 105 days.
(avg. 6.89km/day) Looks like I'm back on track!

Weeks ahead: STWM, Coffee and Tea show, Nuit Blance, CDN Thanksgiving, Shopping?, JD Bday wkend, Hween, NOV, DEC!!!!

Keep following this site as I have some exciting news to share in the near future.
My weeks will now go Monday-Sunday (only because is counting mileage this way... le sigh). Sundays Wrap-up post will include some musings on what a typical run through the beaches entails.

OOO TERRY FOX run this Sunday!

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