Monday, January 5, 2009


2009 starts off on a great foot.

Despite being in pain at the moment, I have a lot to look out for in 2009.

Completed the Resolution Run on Sunday Dec 28th - 5k to mark the commitment to running.

As a result of new shoes, longer distances , and adjustments... my L ankle is hurting like a MOFO.
Otherwise it's looking like there are many opportunities to be had.

1) 2009 km in 2009 is one of my goals! With injuiries it'll still be tough, but I'll knock this one down,

2) Complete my nu-raver fixed gear bike for the city.
(currently I own a newly destroyed/fixed up RED single speed. I heart it!
and an amazing road bike Cannondale synapse 6 feminine edition)

3) Possibly to that ride to MTL and back, but we'll see if time permits and whether this Euro trip is go. I'm aiming for August?

4) Trying to stick to my schedules of balancing school, work, activities.

Always up for more workout partners.
Here's the tentative schedule:

Sunday (10-11am Weight Training)
Monday (4:30/5 - 7pm CORE, Run (middle distance [outdoors; weather pending] 10k
Tuesday (4-6pm - WT, Run 7k)
Wednesday (4:15/4:30 - 7pm Core, TRack work (speed?), Swim 45min
Thursday - OFF
Friday: 5:45am - 7:15am (Run 7k, followed by WT/Core)
Sat: 7am -10am (LONG RUNS! 12+)

Races so far:
March - Around the Bay 30k
Apr: NEW------> 10k Break free of exams!!! (friends run)
May - Missisauga or Ottawa
June - Mud run
July/Aug (outdoor swimming, travelling)
Oct : Toronto

Last week's stats: 2.6/--/22
Resolution run, Lonsdale, Eglington route...

Swam on Monday 2.6 k set.

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