Saturday, May 31, 2008

rainin saturday

Raining it's pouring, I got soaked while bikin

this mornings run. Mt. Pleasent- Bayview - Brickworks trail

Distance: 13k (From Vash's place)
Weather - Overcast, with drizzle

Feeling: GREAT
Time: 1:00 - +/- 3 min with several 30 s walks (totaling 800m)

Now I'm off to St. Lawerence and then NY!!!

On thursday it was beautiful, Here's a back post:

Distance: 12 +/- .5k
All the way to Munro park baby (hill session at the end of the beach
Felt: beginning, like I couldn't get started,
After: slower than normal
Weather: SUNNY! 24!
Result: Got a Tan!!! and a Tank and short-shorts. great apparel for this run!

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