Monday, May 26, 2008

weekend of niceness

Sunday had an "awesome" time at work... let's just say it's almost equivalent to doing a marathon.

At the end of work we did some CORE! it's sooo tiring In Total 3 cycles.
cycle consisted of:
15 crunches
15 leg jacks
15 leg raises
1 min plank
2x 30 s side planks
15 push-ups

Afterwards, we followed it up with this run:
(sidenote: I love being able to use MAPS @ Goggle. )

(Total distance: 7k Loop. Probably ran 6k, walked 1k)
Felt: like I could keep going.

After the run I was very exhausted but was still loving the fact that I'm slowly getting onto my marathon training, which is now being post-poned until Sept. (gah)

taking it slowly, but I wanna go.

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